Corporate Headquarters: Spain

+34 96 689 05 39

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MCU-Coatings®, a unique single component. PolyUrea coatings’ technology called MCU.
Together with an unbeatable long-term life cycle performance, these coatings have numerous advantages both for the applicator and the owner!

MCU-Coatings® can do the job where others fail and our track record of is impressive. The up to 3 times longer life cycle of MCU-Coatings®, as compared to an epoxy / polyurethane system, is due to the extreme surface tolerance, the climate non-restrictions and the physical properties. MCU-Coatings’ technology has chemistry with superior characteristics, such as extreme corrosion resistance with greater flexibility, chemical resistance as high abrasion and impact resistance. A 3 layers coatings system can be applied in 1 day. All together MCU-Coatings® has virtually eliminated most of all crucial key elements that cause coating “Premature Failures”.


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